引言 成功卖家用亲身经历教您:移除中差评,要这么一步步来
找到联系客服入口(Contact Seller Support)
选择 Selling on Amazon
选择Customer Feedback
据卖家讲,根据他们经验感觉移除中差评还是比较轻松的,平均移除成功率在70%-80%左右,只要仔细的查看客户的三项问题是YES 还是NO,然后看下从他的Comment 里面表现出那方面的不满意,然后针对客户的结论避重就轻的编写想要移除此差评的原因。当然这也有很多的人为主观因素在里面,不同的亚马逊客服对于同一个Case 的处理结果也是不同的;甚至有些卖家朋友反映,卖家整个店铺的好评率貌似也会被客服们作为一个参考。
差评的移除申请提交以后,请大家务必要关注亚马逊邮箱(或者后台的Manage Your Case Log),无论这个评价有没有移除,亚马逊都会发一封邮件到我们的亚马逊邮箱将最终判定结果告知卖家。如果差评被成功移除,买家也会收到一封通知邮件,买家有权利再次给该订单留评... ...
他们在申请书的Additional Information 里面是这么写的
The item was correct as described, the buyer answered “Yes” to the feedback questions, the order was also fulfilled on time and of good quality. The feedback seems not to be an appropriate entry and unfair to sellers, we thought customer didn't give a right rating. Can this be revised or removed? since the entire entry is not an appropriate feedback. Please investigate this case.
Greetings from Amazon Seller Support.
Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention.
I have confirmed that the feedback you submitted for order ID 115-9600741-16514 our review was in violation of our feedback guidelines. Since the item was delivered within EDD. The buyer left the feedback after item delivered. I also checked there was no communication happened between the buyer and seller. Therefore, we have removed the inappropriate entry and we have removed the rating so it will not affect your performance.
Thank you for your understanding.
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